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Quality Commitment

P.B. are not a market leader by accident - we have consistently worked to perfect the quality of our product, so that your customer receives the best.

Quality Commitment

Through ongoing research and development in our Centre of Excellence we are able to deliver the future to you today. Other cylinder makers are to this day using techniques and processes which were first developed by Burnside.

We deliver you the best product available so we improve our capacity, processes, products and educate our employees every day.


This allows us to stay ahead of other manufacturers and focus on giving you the best.

  • Certified to ISO 9001 Standard since 1994.
  • Excellence Through People.
  • Listen to our customers’ needs and learn from their requirements.
  • Ongoing on the job training of all our team members.
  • Work closely with our market leading partners on sealing & valving solutions etc.
  • Develop custom built processes and machines to improve our product.
  • 100% hydrauilc pressure testing of all welded joints and sealing.
  • 100% testing of pin holes with customer’s pin.
  • Material composition analysis with Spectrometer.
  • Quality documents provided in multiple languages.
  • Onsite analysis of oil cleanliness levels.
  • Onsite analysis of welding gas.
  • Cylinder life cycle endurance testing.
  • Static endurance testing for welded joints and seals.
  • NSS testing for paint and chrome layer.
  • 24 hour 7 days a week product support.


Quality Testing

For seamless quality control we use the TEST-MASTER Pro at multiple stages of production. For inspection of incoming materials, final QA / QC inspection of outgoing goods and safety-critical positive material identification. 

Contact Details

P.B. Machine Tech Ltd.,
Muine Bheag Business Park,
Royal Oak Road,
Bagenalstown ,
Co Carlow,
R21 Y368

  • +353 59 9721729
  • info@pbmachinetech.ie

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